[rede.APPIA] Call for papers for the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’21), Mexico Virtual

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From: “Int. Conference on Computational Creativity” <iccc21@computationalcreativity.net>
Subject: CFP: Call for papers for the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’21), Mexico Virtual
Date: 1 December 2020 at 16:46:09 WET
To: “F. Amílcar” <amilcar@dei.uc.pt>
Reply-To: “Int. Conference on Computational Creativity” <iccc21@computationalcreativity.net>

Hi F. Amílcar, 

ICCC’21 Call for Full Papers is out!

Below you will find the official call. Please feel free to distribute it to mailing lists you manage and to everybody who may be interested.

Thank you and we hope to see you online for ICCC’21, which will be held fully online on September 14-18, 2021.

Follow us at:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/computationalcreativity/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/iccc_conf
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iccc_conf/

[rede.APPIA] Lancement du Partenariat Mondial sur l’Intelligence Artificielle par quinze membres fondateurs (15.06.20) – Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Lancement du Partenariat Mondial sur l’Intelligence Artificielle par quinze membres fondateurs (15.06.20)

Conscients de la nécessité d’une coopération à l’échelle internationale pour exploiter le plein potentiel de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et en faire bénéficier l’ensemble des citoyens, le Canada et la France lancent conjointement avec l’Allemagne, l’Australie, la République de Corée, les États-Unis d’Amérique, l’Italie, l’Inde, le Japon, le Mexique, la Nouvelle-Zélande, le Royaume-Uni, Singapour, la Slovénie et l’Union européenne le Partenariat Mondial sur l’intelligence artificielle (PMIA) qui encouragera et guidera le développement responsable d’une intelligence artificielle fondée sur les droits de l’homme, l’inclusion, la diversité, l’innovation et la croissance économique.

Le PMIA est une initiative internationale et multipartite visant à guider le développement et l’utilisation responsables de l’IA, dans un esprit de respect des droits de la personne, d’inclusion, de diversité, d’innovation et de croissance économique. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, les pays membres s’emploieront à jeter des ponts entre la théorie et la pratique et soutiendront des activités de recherche de pointe ainsi que des activités de mise en application liées aux priorités en matière d’IA.

En collaboration avec des partenaires et des organisations internationales, le PMIA rassemblera des experts issus de l’industrie, de la société civile, des gouvernements et du milieu universitaire. Ces experts se réuniront au sein de Groupes de travail axés sur quatre thèmes : 1) l’utilisation responsable de l’IA ; 2) la gouvernance des données ; 3) l’avenir du travail ; et 4) l’innovation et la commercialisation. À court terme, les experts participants se pencheront également sur l’apport possible de l’IA comme moyen de répondre à la pandémie de COVID-19 et de la surmonter.

Le PMIA sera appuyé par un secrétariat, hébergé par l’OCDE à Paris, ainsi que par deux Centres d’expertise, l’un à Montréal, l’autre à Paris. La collaboration avec l’OCDE donnera lieu à de fortes synergies entre les travaux scientifiques et techniques du PMIA et le leadership international exercé par l’OCDE en matière de politiques liées à l’IA, ce qui approfondira la base de données probantes sous-tendant les politiques sur l’utilisation responsable de l’IA. Les Centres d’expertise fourniront un soutien administratif ainsi qu’un soutien à la recherche au titre de projets pratiques menés ou évalués par les experts des différents Groupes de travail issus de divers secteurs et disciplines. Les centres organiseront également les séances plénières annuelles du groupe d’experts multipartite du PMIA. Le Canada sera l’hôte de la première de ces séances en décembre 2020.

Le Centre d’expertise de Paris, piloté par Inria, interviendra en soutien des deux groupes d’experts sur 3) l’avenir du travail et 4) l’innovation et la commercialisation. Il sera en lien avec le centre d’expertise de Montréal qui gèrera les autres groupes.

Ce lancement couronne deux années de travail de la diplomatie numérique française et de ses partenaires du Canada visant à mettre en œuvre l’appel lancé par la France et le Canada dans la déclaration franco-canadienne sur l’intelligence artificielle de juin 2018.

Rappel des faits

La création d’un groupe international d’experts en intelligence artificielle annoncée avant le sommet du G7 de 2018 par Justin Trudeau, Premier ministre du Canada, et Emmanuel Macron, président de la République française, constitue un élément clé de la déclaration franco-canadienne sur l’intelligence artificielle.

En décembre 2018, lors de la conférence multipartite du G7 sur l’intelligence artificielle, le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau, le ministre Singh Bains et le secrétaire d’État français chargé du numérique annoncent le mandat pour le groupe international d’experts en intelligence artificielle, première étape en vue de sa création.

En août 2019, lors du Sommet du G7 à Biarritz, les chefs d’Etats et de gouvernements ont pris note du Partenariat mondial sur l’Intelligence Artificielle (PMIA) proposé par le Canada et la France dans la Stratégie de Biarritz pour une transformation numérique, ouverte, libre et sûre.

En octobre 2019, lors de la conférence internationale Global Forum on AI for Humanity à Paris, le Président de la République française Emmanuel Macron a annoncé que le Partenariat Mondial sur l’Intelligence Artificielle serait soutenu par deux centres d’expertise à Paris, piloté par Inria, et à Montréal, et par un secrétariat à l’OCDE. A cette occasion, des experts et des parties prenantes du monde entier, issus tant du secteur public que privé, du monde académique et de la recherche, et plus largement, de la société civile, se sont réunis et ont réfléchis aux thématiques prioritaires susceptibles de nourrir les travaux du PMIA.

En mai 2020, lors de la réunion des ministres Science & Technologie du G7, les pays du G7 se sont accordés pour lancer le PMIA afin de renforcer la coopération multiacteurs dans l’avancement d’une intelligence artificielle reflétant leurs valeurs démocratiques et répondant aux défis mondiaux, avec un focus initial incluant les réponses à apporter à l’actuelle pandémie, et se sont engagés envers un développement et une utilisation responsable et centré sur l’humain de l’IA, respectant les droits de l’homme, les libertés fondamentales, et leurs valeurs démocratiques communes.

[rede.APPIA] Open postdoctoral position at HUMAINT team in the field of Trustworthy Machine Learning | JRC Science Hub Communities

Open postdoctoral position at HUMAINT team in the field of Trustworthy Machine Learning

Application deadline: April 15th – EXTENDED TO MAY 17th

We are looking for a highly motivated and outstanding postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in Machine Learning. The researcher will contribute to our work on Fairness and Transparency of Machine Learning and to the development of practical methodologies for trustworthy Machine Learning systems. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the work of AI Watch to build scientific evidence for the definition of a possible regulatory framework for AI. The candidate will have to be able to work independently in the framework of the HUMAINT team and contribute to the research activities of the team and the Digital Economy Unit to support AI-related European policies.


We are looking for a researcher with a strong scientific academic background, a robust professional record in research and experience in Machine Learning with:

  • PhD (doctoral Diploma) or a university degree and a minimum of five years of experience in any area of Machine Learning;
  • Research experience on fairness and transparency of Machine Learning is an asset, including the development of practical methodologies and tools. Topics: explainability, testing/evaluation, traceability, reproducibility, fairness, bias mitigation, human oversight;
  • Research track record demonstrated by scientific publications and practical developing expertise;
  • Very good writing and communication skills for scientific, policy, and the general public;
  • Very good (C1) knowledge of English;
  • Experience in working within interdisciplinary teams, following reproducibility practices and contributing to community is an advantage.


36 months initial contract with possible renewals up to a maximum of 6 years. 

Working place in Seville, Spain 


The project HUMAINT aims to understand the impact of machine intelligence on human behaviour, with a focus on cognitive and socio-emotional capabilities and decision-making.

Artificial Intelligence at the European Commission 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an area of strategic importance and a key driver of economic development. That is why the Commission set out an AI strategy – COM(2018)237 -and agreed a Coordinated Plan with the Member States to align strategies – COM(2018)795. That Plan generated the set up of AI Watch, the Commission Knowledge Service to monitor the Development, Uptake and Impact of AI.

The Commission also established a High-Level Expert Group that published Guidelines on trustworthy AI in April 2019 and in the “White Paper On Artificial Intelligence – A European approach to excellence and trust” COM(2020)65 the Commission acknowledges that as with any new technology, the use of AI brings both opportunities and risks. Citizens fear being left powerless in defending their rights and safety when facing the information asymmetries of algorithmic decision-making, and companies are concerned by legal uncertainty.

How to apply 

  1. Express your interest by applying to the JRC permanent call for researchers or the CAST permanent.  
  2. Only then you can apply to this position

More information https://recruitment.jrc.ec.europa.eu/?site=SVQ

Code: 2020-SVQ-B6-FGIV-014111 – SEVILLE
FG IV- Scientific Project Officer in the field of Trustworthy Machine Learning
Deadline: EXTENDED TO 17/05/2020 23:59 Brussels time 

[rede.APPIA] CFP: Workshop on the Future of Co-Creative Systems @ ICCC 2020

Begin forwarded message:

From: “anna.kantosalo” <anna.kantosalo@gmail.com>
Subject: [computational-creativity-forum] CFP: Workshop on the Future of Co-Creative Systems @ ICCC 2020
Date: 5 May 2020 at 08:38:05 WEST
To: Computational Creativity Forum <computational-creativity-forum@googlegroups.com>

Over the last few years, as systems become more applied and usable, co-creativity has become a key focus for computational creativity researchers. We would like to invite you to participate in planning the future of co-creative systems with us! This one-day workshop aims to bring together researchers to discuss the future of co-creativity from a range of perspectives, organised around two main topics: 
(i) what are the open questions in co-creativity research? 
(ii) what common language is needed for co-creativity researchers from a range of backgrounds to work together and progress the field?

Participants may contribute to these topics through discussions of areas including (but not limited to): studies of creative practice; creative ideation and development as a collaborative and socially structured search process; user-experience research; explainable AI; the integration of existing algorithms into co-creative applications; conversational interfaces; evaluation of co-creative systems; and co-creativity in specific application areas.

Submit your extended abstracts (~400wds, about one page) describing open questions in co-creativity research and/or designs for establishing a common language for co-creativity research. Accepted abstracts will be allocated a short presentation time and they will act as a basis for further discussion during the workshop.

Detailed information about the workshop and submission instructions can be found at:

Abstract submission DL: 25th of May
Workshop dates: 7-11 September, in connection with the ICCC 2020 conference

[rede.APPIA] PostDoc or PhD Position at the AI group of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leonid Berov <leber.no1@gmail.com>
Subject: [computational-creativity-forum] PostDoc or PhD Position at the AI group of the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück
Date: 5 March 2020 at 17:14:25 WET
To: Computational Creativity Forum <computational-creativity-forum@googlegroups.com>

Dear all,

there is an opening for a research assistant position in Prof. Kühnberger’s AI group at the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück, Germany. The group, of which I am a member, has done research on creativity in music and mathematics (as part of the Coinvent project), story compostion (my humble self) and the visual arts. Since we are located at a cog sci departement, other interests are neuro symbolic intgegration and cognitive architectures. You will also have people working in Psycholinguistics, Neurobiology and Philosophy of Mind located two minutes away from you and eager to chat.

This is a very comfy setting, by the way: a full-time, three year position that can be extended for another three years. Details and apllication procedures (the deadline is March, 26th) can be found in the attachement.

We are mainly looking for a PostDoc, but excellent PhD candidates are welcome to apply, too. I would be very happy to see our CC profile strengthend, so please apply and spread the word! 
In case of questions I would be happy to be of assitance. 🙂

[rede.APPIA] CfP ICCC’20, Coimbra, Portugal – Deadline March 1 (full papers)


The 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20)
June 29 – July 03 2020, Coimbra, Portugal

Call for papers: full regular papers

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)

If you wish to receive more information about ICCC’20 subscribe:


Computational Creativity (or CC) is a discipline with its roots in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that explores the potential for computers to be autonomous creators in their own right. ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***
Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited to:

– Applications that address creativity in specific domains such as music, language, narrative, poetry, games, visual arts, graphic design, product design, architecture, entertainment, education, mathematical invention, scientific discovery, and programming.
– Applications and frameworks that allow for co-creativity between humans and machines, in which the machine is more than a mere tool and takes on significant creative responsibility for itself.
– Metrics, frameworks, formalisms and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational systems, and for the evaluation of how systems are perceived in society.
– Syntheses of AI/CC treatments of very different genres or domains of creativity (e.g. art and science, humour and mathematics, language and image, etc.)
– Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including heuristic search, analogical and meta-level reasoning, and representation.
– Resource development and data gathering/knowledge curation for creative systems, especially resources and data collections that are scalable, extensible and freely available as open-source materials.
– Ethical considerations in the design, deployment or testing of CC systems, as well as studies that explore the societal impact of CC systems.
– Cognitive and psychological computational models of creativity, and their relation with existing cognitive architectures and psychological accounts
– Innovation, improvisation, virtuosity and related pursuits investigating the production of novel experiences and artefacts within a CC context.
– Computational accounts of factors that enhance creativity, including emotion, surprise(unexpectedness), reflection, conflict, diversity, motivation, knowledge, intuition, reward structures.
– Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including the relationship between individual and social creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams, and creativity in social settings.
– Perspectives on computational creativity which draw from philosophical and/or sociological studies in a context of creative intelligent systems.
– Computational creativity in the cloud, including how web services can be used to foster unexpected creative behaviour in computational systems.
– Big data approaches to computational creativity.
– Debate papers that raise new issues or reopen seemingly settled ones. Provocations that question the foundations of the discipline or throw new light on old work are also welcome.

Papers on computational paradigms of all kinds – from symbolic to statistical to deep learning models, as well as hybrid approaches – are welcome, provided they address pertinent aspects of CC as sketched above.

*** Paper Types ***
We welcome the submission of five different types of papers: Technical papers, System or Resource description papers, Study papers, Cultural application papers and Position papers.

*** Important Dates ***
Submissions due: March 1, 2020
Acceptance notification: April 20, 2020
Camera-ready copies due: May 22, 2020
Conference: June 29 – July 03, 2020

*** More Information ***
More information on the paper types and submission process can be found at

*** Organising Committee ***
– General Chair Amílcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Program Chairs: Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Ireland
– Workshop Chairs: Oliver Kutz, University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy and Sofia Pinto, Technical University of Lisbon, IST
– Tutorials Chair: Christian Guckelsberger, Queen Mary University, London
– Local Chair: Pedro Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Media Chair: João Miguel Cunha, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Code-Camp Chairs: Hugo Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Philipp Wicke, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Follow us at:
facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/computationalcreativity/
twitter – https://twitter.com/iccc_conf
instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iccc_conf/


The 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20)
June 29 – July 03 2020, Coimbra, Portugal

Call for papers: full regular papers

Please distribute
(Apologies for cross-posting)

If you wish to receive more information about ICCC’20 subscribe:


Computational Creativity (or CC) is a discipline with its roots in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Engineering, Design, Psychology and Philosophy that explores the potential for computers to be autonomous creators in their own right. ICCC is an annual conference that welcomes papers on different aspects of CC, on systems that exhibit varying degrees of creative autonomy, on frameworks that offer greater clarity or computational felicity for thinking about machine (and human) creativity, on methodologies for building or evaluating CC systems, on approaches to teaching CC in schools and universities or to promoting societal uptake of CC as a field and as a technology, and so on.

*** Themes and Topics ***
Original research contributions are solicited in all areas related to Computational Creativity research and practice, including, but not limited to:

– Applications that address creativity in specific domains such as music, language, narrative, poetry, games, visual arts, graphic design, product design, architecture, entertainment, education, mathematical invention, scientific discovery, and programming.
– Applications and frameworks that allow for co-creativity between humans and machines, in which the machine is more than a mere tool and takes on significant creative responsibility for itself.
– Metrics, frameworks, formalisms and methodologies for the evaluation of creativity in computational systems, and for the evaluation of how systems are perceived in society.
– Syntheses of AI/CC treatments of very different genres or domains of creativity (e.g. art and science, humour and mathematics, language and image, etc.)
– Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including heuristic search, analogical and meta-level reasoning, and representation.
– Resource development and data gathering/knowledge curation for creative systems, especially resources and data collections that are scalable, extensible and freely available as open-source materials.
– Ethical considerations in the design, deployment or testing of CC systems, as well as studies that explore the societal impact of CC systems.
– Cognitive and psychological computational models of creativity, and their relation with existing cognitive architectures and psychological accounts
– Innovation, improvisation, virtuosity and related pursuits investigating the production of novel experiences and artefacts within a CC context.
– Computational accounts of factors that enhance creativity, including emotion, surprise(unexpectedness), reflection, conflict, diversity, motivation, knowledge, intuition, reward structures.
– Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including the relationship between individual and social creativity, diffusion of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams, and creativity in social settings.
– Perspectives on computational creativity which draw from philosophical and/or sociological studies in a context of creative intelligent systems.
– Computational creativity in the cloud, including how web services can be used to foster unexpected creative behaviour in computational systems.
– Big data approaches to computational creativity.
– Debate papers that raise new issues or reopen seemingly settled ones. Provocations that question the foundations of the discipline or throw new light on old work are also welcome.

Papers on computational paradigms of all kinds – from symbolic to statistical to deep learning models, as well as hybrid approaches – are welcome, provided they address pertinent aspects of CC as sketched above.

*** Paper Types ***
We welcome the submission of five different types of papers: Technical papers, System or Resource description papers, Study papers, Cultural application papers and Position papers.

*** Important Dates ***
Submissions due: March 1, 2020
Acceptance notification: April 20, 2020
Camera-ready copies due: May 22, 2020
Conference: June 29 – July 03, 2020

*** More Information ***
More information on the paper types and submission process can be found at

*** Organising Committee ***
– General Chair Amílcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Program Chairs: Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Tony Veale, University College Dublin, Ireland
– Workshop Chairs: Oliver Kutz, University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy and Sofia Pinto, Technical University of Lisbon, IST
– Tutorials Chair: Christian Guckelsberger, Queen Mary University, London
– Local Chair: Pedro Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Media Chair: João Miguel Cunha, University of Coimbra, Portugal
– Code-Camp Chairs: Hugo Oliveira, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Philipp Wicke, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Follow us at:
facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pg/computationalcreativity/
twitter – https://twitter.com/iccc_conf
instagram – https://www.instagram.com/iccc_conf/