[rede.APPIA] Two PhD level research career open positions in data analytics, machine learning and modern optimization

Dear all,

Please distribute this announcement among researchers that might be interested in this opportunity:

Within the DTx collab, and up to 4th November 2019, we are looking for 2 candidates with a PhD degree in the area of Information Systems, Computer Science or similar and with knowledge in the areas of data analytics, machine learning and modern optimization.

We highlight that the 2 positions assume a work contract (and not a grant) and a competitive salary (195 index, base salary of 3.191 EUR per month, see https://www.snesup.pt/htmls/_dlds/Vencimentos_e_quotas_irs_2018.pdf ).

The full details are here:

Cumprimentos / Regards,
Paulo Cortez  (Habilitation, PhD)
Associate Professor, Dep. of Information Systems (DSI)
Researcher at ALGORITMI: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/research-teams/ids/
University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4804-533 Guimaraes, Portugal
http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez +351253510309 Fax:+351253510300
New Springer book: Modern Optimization with R